PUKAS Surfboard Model “The Mix” Shaped by Mikel Agote

THE MIX is a mix. Obvious, right? It all came because of those lazy summer days were waves don’t push. We questioned ourselves; how could we get a fast surfboard for slower waves, but still make it fun for tight turns? And Mikel Agote came along with the answer; a mix between the upper half of the ARRAIA Model, and the lower half of the TEAM STAFF Model.

The low rocker in the first third of the board allows to paddle with ease and having a wider outline with more foam gives extra buoyancy. When the wave has no speed to offer, THE MIX will give it to you, because the flatter the rocker, the faster the board. Ask Ramzi how good they work, he loves them!

But what makes THE MIX special is how it mixes that upper side with a high performance bottom. It allows to do tight turns and you can easily go from rail to rail. Summer lovin’ at its fullest. You can order it in EPS construction as well.

Tail:  Squash or Swallow
Other Sizes: 4´10” to 6´8”
Bottom: Single to Vee
Type: A-3

Hodei surfing The Mix, shaped by Mikel Agote


THE MIX is a mix. Obvious, right? It all came because of those lazy summer days were waves don’t push. We questioned ourselves; how could we get a fast surfboard for slower waves, but still make it fun for tight turns? Mikel Agote came along with the answer and Hodei surfed it.

PUKAS 2011 Surfboard Models Dimensions Chart

PUKAS 2011 Surboard Models Measures

A guide for deciding whether to choose a stock board or custom order one with your own dims; and also a guide for quiver bulding.